Join us

This flying club is run by volunteers only, we strongly advise you to call before you decide to come to the airfield, in order to make sure that people responsible for subscription and paperwork will be there.

We ask you to bring :

-An ID

-A credit card in order to pay flying club subscription, FFA subscription (for Aeroplanes) AND/OR FFPLUM subscription (for Ultra Light Aircraft).

-A medical class 2 or 1, made by an AME for Aeroplanes AND/OR a medical certificate made by a GP for Ultra Light Aircrafts.

AME in Loire Valley:

Henri Faugon – Tours

Alexandre Galeano – Tours

Coline Montigon – Military Base North of Tours

Gaëtan Guiu – Military Base North of Tours

Luc Gaucher – Chambray-lès-Tours

Christine Roblot – Chambray-lès-Tours

Philippe Krust – Sorigny